How a Winning Value Fund Outperforms Its More Traditional Peers
Cambiar President Brian Barish was interviewed for a recent Barron’s article about his use of QPD when managing the Cambiar Opportunity Fund.
To learn more about the Cambiar Opportunity Fund, view standard performance, top ten holdings, and fees, please click here.
Risk Disclosure
Mutual fund investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal. The Cambiar Opportunity Funds may invest in derivatives, which are often more volatile than other investments and may magnify the Fund’s gains or losses. There can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its stated objectives. Diversification does not protect against market loss. A company may reduce or eliminate its dividend, causing loses to the fund.
To determine if a Fund is an appropriate investment for you, carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risk factors and charges and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the Fund’s summary or statutory prospectus which can be obtained by clicking here or calling 1-866-777-8227. Please read it carefully before investing. There is no guarantee that the Funds will meet their stated objectives.
The Cambiar Opportunity Fund ranks in the top 11% ranking is from Morningstar and is based on risk-adjusted returns of 1,007 US-domiciled Large Value Funds for the five year period ending July 31, 2021.
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Cambiar Funds are distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Co., 1 Freedom Valley Dr. Oaks, PA 19456, which is not affiliated with the Advisor or any company mentioned in this article.